Antonia & George

This pair grew up in rival horse racing families but overcame the odds to become a couple in their thirties.

Tell us about your current relationship.

I've been with my boyfriend for about 2.5 years now. We’ve known each other most of our lives since we were kids and I was about 7. Our families were rivals in the horse racing industry. Both our grandfathers and dads were jockeys, and then trainers. 


How did you meet him?

I met him at his uncle's home in Jacksonville, Florida one summer. We went fishing in the lakes for catfish, and to Disneyland. 


Tell us about your first date.

It was probably when I was 16. We used to go to the movies in Shatin but what really started our romantic relationship was the scuba diving trip we took to El Nido in May 2018.


How will you be celebrating Valentine's Day this year?

Sadly, we will not be celebrating Valentine's Day this year. We are going to be separated for at least 3 months as George left for Australia before the holidays. He should be back at the end of February, plus the mandatory 3 week government hotel quarantine. I'll probably see him in mid/late March. 


Do you consider him as your boyfriend or best friend?



Would you change anything?

I would like to turn him into a chocolate lover as well! And sushi - how can you not like sushi?


What do you love most about him?

His soul. 


What is one thing he does to cheer you up on a bad day?

He makes me laugh.


When's your favourite time of the day for chocolates?

Usually after dinner but I can eat Charbonnel chocolates anytime!


Bradley Cooper or Ryan Gosling?

Bradley Cooper.